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What should I do if the jaw crusher is too noisy?

Time: 2023-12-28 10:05:27

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The jaw crusher makes too much noise during construction, which will produce serious noise pollution and affect people's physical and mental health. So how to reduce the noise? What should I do if the jaw crusher makes too much noise during construction?
jaw crusher
jaw crusher

1. Adjust spring preload pressure

Sometimes the jaw crusher will cause abnormal noise in the equipment due to the inertia force generated by insufficient spring pre-tensioning pressure. The user can reduce the noise of the equipment by adjusting the pressing force of the spring, but the spring pressure must also be paid attention to and cannot be too high. Loose or too tight.

2. Ensure that the flywheel operates normally

When the V-belt is not tightened properly, it may cause the flywheel to rotate abnormally and deviate from the machine position, which will cause the jaw crusher to produce noise. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the V-belt has appropriate tightness. If the fly groove wheel is in an improper position, you need to remove the fly groove wheel and readjust the position.

3. Strictly control the feeding of materials

Control the feeding situation of the jaw crusher, and prohibit the particle size or moisture content of the material from exceeding the feeding requirements of the jaw crusher. When operating the jaw crusher, the operator is prohibited from entering impurities into the equipment, so that It can prevent the equipment from producing abnormal noise during work and extend the service life of the jaw crusher.

4. Fasten parts in time

Since the jaw crusher will produce large impacts during operation, it may cause the internal parts of the equipment to fall off or become loose. It is necessary to regularly check the tightening of the internal parts of the equipment and tighten the nuts, bolts and other parts of the equipment in a timely manner.

5. Do a good job of lubrication

Do a good job in lubrication of the jaw crusher. Poor lubrication will cause the jaw crusher to operate uncoordinated and produce abnormal noise. Therefore, the jaw crusher must be cleaned regularly and the jaw crusher must be properly lubricated. The lubrication and maintenance work of the machine can ensure the coordination between equipment parts and reduce the generation of noise.

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