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Reasons for unstable operation of pebble sand making machine

Time: 2024-01-04 09:37:03

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1. The sand making machine is seriously worn: After long-term use, the internal structure of the pebble sand making machine may be worn to a certain extent, causing the equipment to intensify vibration and generate noise, thereby affecting the stability of the machine.
sand making machine
sand making machine

2. Insufficient lubricating oil: The cobblestone sand making machine needs sufficient lubrication during operation. If the lubricating oil is insufficient or the lubricating oil is of poor quality, it may cause the equipment to operate unstable.

3. Unreasonable process flow: The process flow design of the sand making machine and its peripheral equipment is unreasonable, resulting in poor material flow and uneven sorting.

Solution to solve the problem of unstable operation of pebble sand making machine

1. Regular maintenance and upkeep: Regularly inspect all parts of the equipment and replace worn parts in a timely manner; maintain important components such as bearings and gears to ensure their normal operation.

2. Strengthen lubrication management: replenish lubricating oil regularly and ensure that the quality of lubricating oil used is qualified. This can reduce friction, reduce noise, and make the equipment run more stable.

3. Improve the process flow: Regularly evaluate the process flow, and optimize process parameters to address problems such as poor material flow and uneven sorting. For example, the preliminary crushing process of pebbles is added to improve the workload of the subsequent sand making machine and make it more stable.

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