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Analysis of the causes of damage to the hydraulic system of the cone crusher

Time: 2024-08-28 10:21:53

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The cone crusher uses a hydraulic system with excellent performance and high intelligent operation. However, some faults are still inevitable in production. What are the causes of damage to the hydraulic system of the cone crusher?
cone crusher
cone crusher

There are two main causes of damage to the hydraulic system of the cone crusher. One is that the oil temperature is too high and the other is that air enters. For these two reasons, the specific situation is as follows:

1. Causes of excessive oil temperature

If the following situations occur during the production or parameter setting of the equipment: unreasonable hydraulic system settings; improper oil selection; impurities and dirt enter the oil tank; the oil level is too low; the oil filter is blocked; parts are severely worn; the ambient temperature is too high, etc., all of which will cause the oil temperature to be too high, and then cause certain damage to the hydraulic system;

2. Causes of air entry

If the cone crusher is in use and air enters, the volume of air entering the oil will change with the changes in the system pressure and the temperature of the crusher, and an "emulsification" phenomenon will occur, which will hinder the movement of the liquid flow. These phenomena are manifested in production as the crushing operation stops and starts, the speed is slow, and the power is insufficient.

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