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What are the adjustment methods for the discharge port of a jaw crusher?

Time: 2024-10-10 09:47:39

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There are four common ways to adjust the discharge port of a jaw crusher:

1. Gasket adjustment

Place a set of gaskets of equal thickness between the rear thrust plate support and the rear wall of the frame. By increasing or decreasing the number of gasket layers, the discharge port of the crusher can be reduced or increased. This method can achieve multi-level adjustment, but the machine must be stopped during adjustment. Large jaw crushers often use this adjustment method.

jaw crusher
jaw crusher

2. Support device adjustment

The support device of a jaw crusher is mainly used to support the eccentric shaft and the suspension shaft to stabilize them on the frame. The support device can use two types of sliding bearings and rolling bearings. With the improvement and optimization of equipment development, rolling bearings have gradually replaced sliding bearings, which not only reduces friction loss, but also brings the benefits of easy maintenance, good lubrication conditions, and less oil leakage. The size of the discharge port can also be controlled by adjusting the support device.

3. Wedge adjustment

The discharge port of the crusher can be adjusted by the relative movement of the two wedges between the rear thrust plate support and the rear wall of the frame. Turn the nut on the bolt to make the adjustment wedge move up or down along the rear wall of the frame, driving the front wedge to move forward or backward; thereby pushing the thrust plate and the movable jaw to achieve the purpose of adjusting the discharge port. This method can achieve stepless adjustment, which is convenient and time-saving. There is no need to stop the machine for adjustment, but it increases the size and weight of the machine. This adjustment device is often used in medium and small jaw crushers.

4. Hydraulic adjustment

Installing a hydraulic device at the discharge port can also achieve the function of adjusting the discharge port. The jaw crusher uses a hydraulic safety device, which is both reliable and safe and easy to troubleshoot. When debris enters the crushing chamber of the jaw crusher, in order to avoid damage to the machine, the rear thrust plate is used as a protective device for the crusher.

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