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What is required for daily maintenance of sand making machine?

Time: 2024-10-31 09:58:47

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1. The long-term operation of sand making machine requires regular inspection of various parts to ensure the normal and safe operation of the equipment. The machine should be stopped to check the internal wear of the sand making machine, the wear degree of the center feed pipe, cone cap, upper and lower impeller flow to the liner, side guard plate and hammer head, and timely replacement or repair according to the wear degree.
sand making machine
sand making machine

2. Carry out the operation regulations in accordance with the operation regulations, strictly abide by the operation procedures, and effectively avoid equipment damage and personal safety caused by improper operation.

3. The sand making machine can only operate normally if it is well lubricated. When the lubrication is insufficient, the wear of the machine will increase, and the bearings will become hot, thereby damaging the machine. Therefore, the sand making machine should be checked to see if lubricating oil needs to be added after a period of use. Sand making machine grease should be appropriately added after 400 hours of work, the bearings should be cleaned after 2000 hours of work, and they need to be replaced after 7200 hours of work.

4. If the parts of the sand making machine become loose, they should be tightened in time. The parts are fixed together by screws and other components. If they are moved frequently and violently, these screws will become loose. If there is abnormal noise during use, the machine should be stopped and checked in time to find the loose parts and tighten them in time.

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