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Flow Chart of 250-300TPH Hard Stones Crushing Plant

Time: 2023-02-07 15:48:53 Share To
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Materials: Hard Stones
Max Feeding Size: 780mm
Final Product Size : 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30mm
Capacity: 250-300tph

Main machines:

NO. Equipment Model Number
1 Vibrating Feeder

ZSW600×130  (22kW)

1 set 
2 Jaw Crusher

PE900x1200  (132kW)

1 set
3 Transit Hopper + Bread Feeder

GZG125-4  (2×2.25kW)

1 set
4 Compound Series Cone Crusher

ZX-1400  (220kW)

1 set
5 PSG Series Compound Cone Crusher

PSGB1313  (160kW)

1 set
6 Vibrating Screen

4YK2160  (2×30kW)

1 set

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Email: sales@zxcrusher.com, Phone:0086-371-67660555, Whatsapp/Wechat:+86-13676922906

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