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How to reduce the wear of cone crusher

Time: 2024-04-09 10:11:51

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The wear of the cone crusher is mainly affected by factors such as ore hardness, residual material accumulation in the cavity, crushing cavity blockage, crushing cavity quality, feeding method and other factors. In order to reduce the wear of the cone crusher, the following measures can be taken:

1. Control the feeding of materials: Make sure that the materials put into the crushing cavity do not have impurities such as iron blocks to prevent these impurities from causing damage to the crusher.

2. Optimize the feeding method: When feeding, the materials should be put into the distribution tray first to avoid putting them directly into the crushing cavity to reduce the impact and damage to the crushing cavity.

cone crusher

cone crusher

3. Clean the crushing cavity regularly: Clean the residual material accumulation in the crushing cavity promptly to avoid clogging of the crushing cavity caused by excessive material accumulation, thereby causing wear.

4. Ensure the quality of the crushing cavity: Choose high-quality, wear-resistant crushing cavity materials to extend its service life and reduce wear.

5. Control the operating load of equipment: prohibit overload operation of equipment to avoid increased wear of gears and other components. Ensure equipment is operating under appropriate loads to improve production efficiency and equipment life.

6. Eliminate additional wear: By adjusting the equipment structure, such as deviating a certain distance between the center hole of the large bevel gear and the center line of the eccentric bushing, additional impact vibration and sliding wear can be eliminated.

7. Regular inspection and maintenance: Regularly check the lubrication condition, temperature, sealing, etc. of the bearings, replace the lubricating oil and clean the bearings in time. At the same time, check whether the connecting bolts, belts and other parts of the crusher are loose or worn, and repair or replace them in time.

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