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How to solve the problem of cone crusher oil tank failure?

Time: 2024-05-13 10:36:16

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The cone crusher is a secondary crushing equipment. During its use, the operator must not only understand the operation method and various components of the cone crusher, but also the most important point is to solve some faults of the crusher and ensure the crusher's safety. Capable of high-yield production. So, when the cone crusher's oil tank fails, how to solve it?
cone crusher
cone crusher

1. When the cone crusher is working, it is found that the oil temperature exceeds 55°C, but the oil pressure is normal. The main reason for this problem is that the eccentric shaft part is abnormal. The solution is to stop the equipment and continue to operate, and then check the straight lining. sleeve and taper bushing, find out the cause and eliminate it before running.

2. When it is found that when the oil pressure increases, the oil temperature will also increase. The main cause of this problem is that the oil pipe or the oil circuit inside the cone crusher is blocked. The solution is also very simple, that is Just stop the operation of the equipment and find the blockage and clean it out.

3. The oil temperature coming out of the cooler still exceeds the standard value. There are three main reasons for this. One is that there is no cooling water, the other is that the temperature of the cooling water is too high, and the third is that the cooler is blocked. The solution is also very simple. Prescribe the right medicine and provide cooling water; check whether the water pressure is too low, increase the pressure as much as possible, check the cooling water temperature, and clean the cooler.

4. There is no oil flowing in the indicator, but the oil pressure is displayed. The main reason is that the oil switch is not set properly or there is a problem with the oil pump. Stop the equipment in time, find the problem and deal with it.

5. There is water in the oil, which increases the amount of oil in the tank. The main reason for this is that the water pressure in the cooler is higher than the oil pressure. At this time, just make the water pressure in the cooler 0.005MPa lower than the oil pressure.

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