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Causes and treatment methods of dust generated by stone crusher

Time: 2025-02-18 09:27:29

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During the use of stone crusher, a lot of dust is often generated, which brings great pollution to the environment and also affects production efficiency. So, what are the reasons for the dust generated by stone crusher and how to deal with it?
stone crusher
stone crusher

What are the reasons for dust generated by crusher?

1. Metal chips or debris inside the stone crusher machine;

2. The dryness of the material handled by the stone crusher is not enough;

3. The stone crusher lacks lubricating oil or the lubricating oil used is not suitable when working;

4. The filter system of the stone crusher fails or the dust collection equipment fails.

How to deal with the dust generated by the stone crusher?

1. Regularly maintain the stone crusher. Regularly check and replace the filter element of the stone crusher to ensure the efficiency of the filter system inside the crusher. In addition, timely replacement of the internal accessories of the stone crusher can also reduce the dust generated.

2. Use suitable lubricating oil. The stone crusher needs the support of lubricating oil when working. In order to reduce the generation of dust, we need to choose a suitable lubricating oil and add it according to the requirements of the manual. At the same time, it is also very important to replace the lubricating oil regularly.

3. Improve the material processing method. The dryness of the material processing will directly affect the amount of dust generated by the stone crusher. We can reduce the generation of dust by improving the material processing method. For example, before the material is processed, the humidity of the material can be increased by soaking or showering, thereby reducing the generation of dust.

4. Add dust collection equipment. The generation of dust in the stone crusher can be controlled by appropriate dust collection equipment. When using the stone crusher, we can add appropriate exhaust ports or take other efficient measures to collect and process the dust generated inside the stone crusher.

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