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VSI Sand Making Machine‌ is used to crush materials of various hardnesses

Time: 2025-02-20 09:34:43

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VSI Sand Making Machine‌ is a kind of equipment that crushes large pieces of materials into sand particles. It is widely used in medium and fine crushing of various hard and brittle materials such as various rocks, abrasives, and refractory materials.
VSI Sand Making Machine‌
VSI Sand Making Machine‌

‌VSI Sand Making Machine‌ is widely used in many fields such as construction, water conservancy, roads, and railways. It can crush various hard rocks, ores and other raw materials into particles that meet the requirements of building sand and gravel, and is particularly suitable for artificial sand making and stone shaping. The products it produces are cubic, with good particle shape and reasonable gradation, suitable for construction sand and road construction sand and gravel.

The sand and gravel products processed by ‌VSI Sand Making Machine‌ are mostly cubic, with good particle shape, reasonable gradation, adjustable fineness modulus, uniform particle size, and reasonable distribution. VSI Sand Making Machine has a unique ventilation system, which reduces dust pollution and is beneficial to environmental protection. In addition, its structural design is not affected by the moisture content of the raw materials and is suitable for various environments.

The VSI sand making machine accelerates the material to hundreds of times the acceleration of gravity through the high-speed rotating impeller, and then ejects it at high speed to impact and crush the material that falls from the surrounding of the distributor. The crushed material is subjected to multiple impacts, friction and grinding in the vortex cavity, and finally reaches the required particle size and is discharged from the lower discharge port.

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