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What should I do if the impact crusher cannot start?

Time: 2025-02-24 09:48:18

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The impact crusher cannot start is a common fault, especially in winter, this phenomenon is more obvious. If the impact crusher cannot start, what should we do?
impact crusher
impact crusher

1. If the impact crusher does not start, you need to check whether the plug, power supply and power cord at the bottom are in good contact and whether there are any signs of breakage on the outer skin. If not, plug in the power cord and turn on the power for debugging.

2. If the impact crusher does not start after power is turned on, and the wheel can be turned again when it is tapped by an object, it can be determined that the capacity of the two starting capacitors inside the motor has failed. In this case, it is recommended to replace the starting capacitor before starting and retrying.

3. The impact crusher does not rotate when it is powered on normally, and can only rotate with the help of external force. However, when there is current noise inside the motor, it may be caused by a slight leakage of the starting capacitor. If the current noise is very high and the motor cannot be started, it should be caused by a short circuit in the starting capacitor. In the absence of instruments, you can remove the capacitor, and then insert the two wires into the neutral and live wire jacks to charge the capacitor, and then remove the capacitor and unplug the two wires to discharge. If there is a discharge spark and a "pop" sound is heard, it means that the capacitor has been charged and can be used. If the spark and noise are weak, it means that the capacity of the capacitor has decreased. You can choose to replace it with a new one or add a small one. If the capacitor is short-circuited, please do not use this method, but replace it with a new capacitor of the same specification.

4. After the impact crusher has been working for a long time, the rubber V-belt is prone to loosening. If the maintenance personnel fail to adjust the tightness of the belt in time, the V-belt will loosen and slip, making it difficult to start.

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