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Analysis and solution of the cause of heating of the stone crusher motor

Time: 2025-03-04 09:57:03

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The stone crusher is a mechanical equipment used to crush rocks, minerals, construction waste and other materials, and plays an indispensable role in all walks of life. However, with the increase of use time, the stone crusher motor will sometimes heat up frequently, which not only affects the normal operation of the equipment, but also may shorten the life of the equipment and reduce production efficiency. So how to solve this problem?
stone crusher
stone crusher

Analysis of the cause of frequent heating of the stone crusher motor

1. Excessive load: the wire head or terminal inside the motor is loose, broken, or burned, resulting in excessive current and heating of the motor.

2. Excessive current: the voltage is too low or the motor fails, resulting in excessive current and heating.

3. Damage to the motor fan: poor heat dissipation causes the motor to heat up.

4. Damage to the motor bearing: increased friction causes the motor to heat up.

5. Poor environmental sealing and heat dissipation: poor working environment sealing and heat dissipation cause the motor to heat up.

6. Too high ambient temperature: too high working environment temperature causes the motor to heat up.

Solution to frequent heating of stone crusher motor

1. Check and tighten the wire ends or terminals inside the motor to ensure good connection;

2. Check whether the power supply voltage is normal, and repair or replace the motor in time.

3. Check whether the fan is working properly and replace the fan if necessary;

4. Check whether the bearing is worn and replace the bearing in time;

5. Improve the working environment and the heat dissipation conditions of the motor;

6. Ensure that the equipment operates at a suitable ambient temperature.

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