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What are the methods for mobile crushers to solve dust problems?

Time: 2025-03-06 09:20:04

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The methods for mobile crushers to solve dust problems mainly include controlling the source, adding dust collection devices, configuring water spray devices, using sealed steel plate rooms for indoor production, and adopting dust removal measures.
mobile crusher
mobile crushers

1. Control the source: Reduce the material flow by reasonably controlling the discharge speed to prevent the dust from spreading too quickly, thereby reducing the generation of dust. Although this method can reduce the generation of dust to a certain extent, it may affect the efficiency of sand making.

2. Add dust collection devices: Add dust collection bags or set water spray nozzles at the discharge port, pointing to the dust source to reduce the spread of dust outward.

3. Configure water spray devices: Configure water spray devices on the conveyor belt part to reduce the dispersion of dust during transportation.

4. Use sealed steel plate room for indoor production: Use sealed steel plate room indoor mobile crusher production to completely block the missed wind and dust in the room and isolate noise pollution.

5. Adopt dust removal measures: For example, reduce dust generation by watering and humidification, install humidifiers to increase the humidity of the production environment to reduce dust. These measures can temporarily alleviate the dust problem, but to fundamentally solve the dust problem, it is also necessary to seal the import and export of the crusher, install dust removal equipment to remove dust, improve the mobile crusher body, strengthen the screening capacity, and improve the cleanliness of sand and gravel products.

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