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What are the fixing methods of the plate hammer of the impact crusher?

Time: 2025-03-14 11:00:26

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The impact crusher is a commonly used two-stage crushing equipment in the sand and gravel material crushing production line. It has a simple structure, high crushing efficiency, and a shaping effect. The plate hammer is the core component of the impact crusher. It directly contacts the material and crushes it, so its material and fixing method directly affect the crushing efficiency. So what are the fixing methods of the plate hammer of the impact crusher?
impact crusher
impact crusher

The plate hammer of the impact crusher is generally made of wear-resistant high-chromium cast iron material. There are three main fixing methods: bolt fixing, pressure plate fixing and wedge fixing. The latter two methods are more commonly used. The specific introduction is as follows:

1. Bolt fixing

Bolt fixing is to fix the plate hammer to the plate hammer seat of the rotor by bolts. However, the screws are directly exposed on the striking surface, which is easy to be damaged, and the screws will be subjected to a large shear force. Once cut off, it will cause serious production accidents. From the perspective of production, many large manufacturers do not use this fixing method now.

2. Plate fixation

Plate fixation means that the plate hammer is inserted into the groove of the rotor from the side. In order to prevent axial movement, the two ends are clamped with plates. However, this method uses welding technology, the plate is easy to wear and difficult to replace, and the plate hammer is not firm enough, and it is easy to loosen and fall off during crushing operation.

3. Wedge fixation

Wedge fixation means inserting the wedge into the corresponding slot between the plate hammer and the rotor, and tightening it through extrusion. When the impact crusher is running, the faster the rotor speed is affected by centrifugal force, the more firmly the plate hammer is fixed, and it is easier to disassemble and replace. In addition, since the relative displacement between the plate hammer and the rotor is avoided, the wear of the rotor is reduced. This is currently a better way to fix the plate hammer, and most manufacturers generally use this fixing method.

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