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Analysis of the reasons for insufficient oil flow in single-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher

Time: 2024-12-16 13:32:52

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The single-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher is a new crusher structure that integrates mechanical, hydraulic, intelligent control and other technologies. It has a variety of optional cavity shapes, high crushing efficiency, low production cost, convenient adjustment and maintenance, and different product particle shapes. It can be widely used in medium and fine crushing operations. However, during use, some users found that the oil flow of the single-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher was insufficient. What caused this?
single-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher
single-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher

The single-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher has insufficient oil flow. From the structural point of view, it may be due to large pipeline resistance or oil pump and control valve failure. Therefore, for these two aspects, it is necessary to focus on the inspection, check the valve and filter element. Generally, pipeline resistance is mostly caused by these two aspects;

From the production environment, due to the harsh working environment of the single-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher, the weather is too cold in production, which affects the viscosity of the oil and causes insufficient oil flow. The blockage of the pipeline by dust will also cause insufficient oil flow. For these aspects, different lubricants should be selected according to different weather conditions, and the sealing work should be done well to reduce the blockage;

When the single-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher is in use, the phenomenon of insufficient oil flow is also related to insufficient oil pressure. This is generally caused by the blockage of the oil groove on the oil pipe or parts, which needs to be disassembled for cleaning.

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