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Analysis of the reasons for low output of jaw crusher

Time: 2025-03-20 09:45:02

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If the output of jaw crusher decreases and fails to meet the factory standard, what are the reasons for the low output of jaw crusher?
jaw crusher
jaw crusher

1. Unqualified material hardness

The hardness or toughness of the crushed material exceeds the range specified in the instruction manual. If it cannot reach the range specified in the instruction manual, you can replace the appropriate crusher or add a crusher.

2. Reverse connection of motor wiring

The motor wiring position is reversed, the main engine is reversed (moving jaw rotates clockwise), or the motor is connected in triangle and connected in star. If the motor position is found to be reversed, the motor wiring can be replaced.

3. Discharge port is smaller than the specified

The output of jaw crusher does not meet the factory standard, which may be because the discharge port is smaller than the specified. In this case, the discharge port should be adjusted to the discharge port specified in the instruction manual, and a crusher for fine crushing should be added.

4. Displacement of jaw plate of jaw crusher

It may be the displacement of the jaw plate of jaw crusher, which causes the tooth top to be opposite to the tooth top. At this time, the tooth pitch size of the tooth plate should be checked immediately. If it does not meet the standard, the jaw plate must be replaced, and the relative position of the fixed jaw plate and the movable jaw plate must be adjusted to ensure that the tooth top is relative to the tooth root, and fixed and compressed to prevent displacement.

5. The on-site voltage is too low

If the on-site voltage is too low, the output of the jaw crusher cannot meet the factory standard, and the working site voltage should be increased to meet the heavy load requirements of the main machine.

6. Relative rotation of the outer ring of the bearing

The gap between the movable jaw and the bearing of the jaw crusher is too large after wear, resulting in relative rotation of the outer ring of the bearing. The bearing should be replaced or the movable jaw should be moved.

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